Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Was at work in Tulsa about 9A.M. this morning and then inexplicably, I started slightly bouncing up and down in my comfy chair for a seconds. A few of us were like, "What was that?"

Turns out there was a 4.3 magnitude earthquake near Oklahoma City. Not high enough to normally do any damage but definitely unusual for this part of the country. There is a recently discovered fault line in eastern Arkansas though, and they have had quite a few tremors lately.

Was my first earthquake that I ever felt and was kinda fun.

UPDATE: The Oklahoma Geological Survey has rated the quake as a 4.7 and was felt in Wichita, Arkansas, and Dallas . The second largest recorded in Oklahoma. HURRAH!

Friday, October 01, 2010

The Story of Tesla as Told by a Drunk

Wow! I love Crispin Glover. Anyway, the rest are all actors, Crispin is the real thing.

Fell a little short on the end, but maybe a sequel?

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