Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Epitome of Special Effects

If you haven't seen it yet, this video is great on so many levels. The music is wonderful, the graphics are well, you already know, beyond comparison, and the message, full of love.

On a technical level, I can barely fathom how most of the effects in this video were done. The seamless computer generated lighting, landscapes, oscilloscopes, and blur effects, integrated with real people is incredible. If you like pretty pictures and cartoons, don't worry about it. Regardless, this video gets the Quantum Void "Epitome of Special Effects" award.

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Best Ice Cream Ever Saw this today at Food Pyramid and picked up a pint for dessert after rib eye steaks, cucumber salad, and sweet potato fries.

J. and I both individually thought this could be the best ice cream ever. Similar views can be found here.
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