Friday, April 13, 2007

The Best Movie Ever Award Goes To

As the biblical reference title implies, it is about the lack of communication between people because they now speak different languages. Maybe not just language, but in some cases the lack or presence of humanity and understanding. Brilliantly directed with soul seeking depth in every frame. Just watch it.

Non-Quicktime 7 friendly movie trailer can be found here


Anonymous Anonymous said...

babel was never about man's relationship with man. it had something to do with God. If interested, the account can be found in the 11th chapter of Genesis (first book of the Old Testament for those educated in the public school systems).

9:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you believe that public school systems should be responsible for making sure that children know that Genesis is the first book of the Old Testament? Because of No Child Left Behind and high-stakes testing, which emphasize math and reading(both extremely important), many elementary schools no longer teach science and social studies. Art, music, and P.E. are pretty much history (another subject no longer deemed "important"). Unless there is significant educational reform, children will not know that George Washington was the first president let alone that Genesis is the first book of the Old Testament.

6:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yesterday's double crostic puzzle asked for "Numbers predecessor". I filled in "Leviticus" without missing a beat. Public School Girl

10:25 AM  
Blogger AlexanderTheGreat said...

I know, let's just get rid of any normal modern "science" topics and teach strictly Bible passages. Make kids read them over and over until said words are memorized. Better yet, let's do away with the Constitution and implement strict religious law (with whatever viewpoint of radical Christianity is in the majority of course.)

Leviticus would be a good place to start (never mind that it is Old Testament), especially the death penalty for blasphemy, "a child insulting its parents", and prostitution.

Replace "Bible" with "Koran" and "Christianity" with "Islam", then you get the Taliban! Yay.

6:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anonymous missed the point, which is par for a public school graduate circa 1980s, 1990s. The reference was to a movie titled Babel about a relationship of B to B. I disagreed with the premise that Babel (per editorial notes by Quantum Void) in the original was about a relationship of B to B but instead had everything to do with a relationship of A (in this case God, to explain the obvious to an obtuse graduate of the public school system) to B (for the sake of brevity, man).
It would be nice if the public schools would teach children to add, subtract, multiply and divide. It would be even nicer if the public schools would teach a little history, literature and culture. As it is, the public schools do a pretty good job of ensuring the next generation will be as ignorant as that of the 1980s, 1990s.
congratulations on your knowledge at solving one down or across on a crossword puzzle. your daddy can pat you on the back and you can sleep better tonight.

6:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to alexander the something ... truly a hodgepodge of thought here ... science and the bible get along just fine. those who construct schemes (Darwinists) from nonexistent data have become the secular religionists (and book burners) of this era.
the constitution was christian in origin (note the denominational affiliations of those who attended the 1787 constitutional convention in Philadelphia). a radical document it was.
Proof-texting would be nice on the references to Leviticus. Jesus was a descendant of Rahab the harlot(prostitution). Apparently, the old testament folk neglected to stone her.
I suggest to Alexthe... that he go live in an Islam country. Might it be different than the Christian (in origin)country he lives in now?
Are you a public school graduate, too?

7:34 PM  
Blogger AlexanderTheGreat said...

Of course if somebody would learn reading comprehension (possibly from the public school system, but preferably anywhere), and then go back to read the OP (original post), they would realize that their A to B argument is moot.

No need to get all defensive about my satirical comments. Or is there?

8:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i cannot take the cutting, withering unrelenting satire and so am off somewhere to call it quits ... changed my mind and will go off somewhere merely to sulk and let my deep wounds heal.
and how is your day, which is called night by others, going?

7:02 AM  
Blogger sixty-five said...

Has "dad" seen the film? Here's the lead-in to AO Scott's review in the NYT:

The biblical story of Babel takes up a handful of verses in the 11th chapter of Genesis, and it illustrates, among other things, the terrible consequences of unchecked ambition. As punishment for trying to build a tower that would reach the heavens, the human race was scattered over the face of the earth in a state of confusion — divided, dislocated and unable to communicate. More or less as we find ourselves today.

Seems like an appropriate metaphor to me.

9:07 AM  
Blogger Cate said...

Perhaps I should have kept my mouth shut about the comment feature not being enabled on this post, LOL.

10:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To those who are unfamiliar with civility, it is impolite to berate strangers.

7:42 PM  

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