Fun With Math
All of these animations were taken from the Wolfram Research site. If you would like to learn more, go there for the details. Consider it a miny art gallery and be exposed to some math along the way :)
Circle negative pedal curve:
Concoid of Nicomedes:
Deltoid Catacaustic:
Dragon Curve: Related to fractal self similar curves
Ellipse Negative Pedal Curve:
Elliptical Gears: Animation doesn't seem to be showing, so click on picture to see
Fontene Theorems:
Logarithmic Spiral Evolute:
McCay Circles:
Mice Problem: Mice chasing each other to thier closest right
Mobius Gears: Mobius strip (infinite one sided surface) built with gears!
Moire: Easy way to create interesting patterns by overlaying two patterns
Osculating Circle:
Parabola Negative Pedal Curve:
Pattern of Two Loci:
Poincare Hyberbolic Disk: The artist Escher's work was very much influenced by this kind of complex projection.
Reuleaux Triangle: Stupid French people keep thinking of the cool stuff
Rotating Square Illusion: More of an optical illusion than math
Roulette 4 Gon: Square wheels, Yay!

Tautochrone Problem: Wonder what keeps those old grandfather clocks ticking?
Torus Cannibal: Some topology, one torus eats the other "topologically speaking"
Tower of Hanoi: Ever play this as a kid? If not you were probably born in the South. Regardless, there is a mathematical field for this too.
Trefoil Knot: Mobius strip extended to next level of "knot theory"
Tusi Couple:
Web Diagram: Logistic map that displays simple chaos theory
Whirl: Just having fun, whee!
Witch of Agnesi: Don't ask, I don't get it either
All of these animations were taken from the Wolfram Research site. If you would like to learn more, go there for the details. Consider it a miny art gallery and be exposed to some math along the way :)
Circle negative pedal curve:

Tautochrone Problem: Wonder what keeps those old grandfather clocks ticking?

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